Zero errors - 100% quality
Quality is a pledge that we demonstrate on a daily basis - with every single product that we deliver. Our goal is to be the quality leaders in our market. That’s why we at Becker have defined strict quality requirements for each process and in each area suppliers and company. These requirements apply to us, our suppliers and our partners, and we do everything to comply with them.

If you would like to take a look behind the scenes, please watch our video
Immerse yourself in the world of Becker-Antriebe GmbH and gain fascinating insights into the production and creation of our high-quality tubular drives. Experience precision, innovation and passion - values that define us.
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Directives and standards
From the tubular drive and radio transmitters and receivers right through to the matching accessories. Our products comply with directives including the Low Voltage Directive, the EMC Directive, the Machinery Directive and the RoHS Directive. And it goes without saying that we also comply with DIN EN 60335-1, the standard for the safety of electrical appliances for household and similar purposes. Almost all of our drive series for roller shutters and sun protection systems are also certified by VDE and NF and are comprehensively tested based on our internal testing criteria, which are a lot stricter than the statutory specifications or any of the DIN standards.
High-quality materials and components
Ensuring high quality is a multifaceted task. Top-class materials and the professional production of all of the individual components are at the core of this task, and provide our customers with solid proof of genuine Becker quality. That’s why everything has to be just right in this respect: from the selection of the right materials through to the production of the components. Our suppliers also undergo strict quality audits in order to guarantee that they are meeting Becker’s high expectations.
Reliable quality assurance
Since as far back as 1984, Becker has been working based on the certified quality management system DIN EN ISO 9001. Every area of the company, from development to production and right through to the shipping process, follows defined processes in order to meet our quality expectations in every single phase and to a high standard. After all, our customers need to be able to trust our products – and this is only possible if they are reliable.

Testing and audits
Test, test, test – this is the only way of sticking to a high level of quality at every step. This is why we continually monitor our production processes using state-of-the-art measuring and testing technology. We have introduced an automated testing system to ensure the traceability of our series products, and our technicians and engineers are continually developing new testing methods to make our products and processes even better.
100% testing
Every drive is tested for numerous parameters on a specially developed automatic test bench, and the drive only receives its type plate when all of the tests have been successfully passed. It can then start its journey to you.
Testing returned goods
At Becker, returns are scarce. But when we do receive a complaint despite our best efforts, our engineers look at the product and the affected component very closely. Tests are frequently carried out over multiple days - both on our test bench and during practical use. The customer then receives feedback about the outcome of the complaint. After all, returns give us an opportunity to learn and to turn our 100% quality into 102% quality.